The GID company
Vegetable oil trade, oil blending and packing
Established in 1942, Huilerie GID plant oil mill is today specialised in vegetable oil trade (sunflower, oleic sunflower, peanut, colza, soybean, grape seed, olive), preparation of oil blends and the packaging (brands CUISINOR, GIDOLEIC, GIDCHEF, GIDOLIVE, GID COLZA & OLIVE).
The principal customers of L’Huilerie are made up of:
– out of home dining
– the agricultural food sector (biscuit factories, canning factories) and cosmetics
– exporters.
L’Huilerie GID oil mill conditions and sells around 30 million litres of oil a year
Used food oils are subject to the general regulations regarding non-hazardous waste (in reference to articles R. 541-7 to R. 541-11 environmental law) and as such are the responsibility of the holder particularly in the case of pollution.
They must be collected and disposed of by a specific process.